Monday, January 10, 2011

Men V Boys

Before I start I should issue a disclaimer—I was this boy at one time. Also the focus on this is Biblical manhood not how “Christians view women”. I want to stay focused on Men V Boys

A Very Very Very Very Extremely Short Intro to Biblical Manhood

There are boys and there are men, and I don’t think a clear distinction between them is always made. Men are supposed to work, and the work may not be fun (as after the fall of man God made work a labour intensive process Gen: 3:17). You see because of the fall of man (and by man I mean humanity) God gave men (males) a curse, and that curse is work. He is supposed to provide for his wife and family. God gave also gave women a curse but for the purposes of this post I want to stick mans (male) curse.


So God gave the Men work to do. So if you are a Christian Man you should be providing for your family. Your wife should have the choice to work but should not in any circumstances be obligated or forced to work outside of the home. Remember that women have their own burden(s) to bear in life, they don’t need one more especially one that God gave specifically to males. If a man wants a family one day he will make sure that he has the ability to support said family (or will have) before entering into a serious relationship.


Lets be honest, men don’t go to college, boys do. In today’s society high school now last 8-12 years. That’s right! It’s called college. The best part about your last 4-8 years is that there is NO parental supervision, AND you can drink! It is amazing! You have little responsibility (with the exception of studies), your parents send you money, OR you get a bunch of money from this great bank or these things called student loans. (which you won’t have to pay back til later) If you do have a job it is probably one that a high school student could just as easily handle. To be honest college is amazing.

Men V Boys

This is where the hang up comes. You are out of college (or almost out) and you don’t want to leave that college mind set. Why would you? College was great why can’t it go on forever? Here is where we get to find out if you will be a man or a boy. I jotted down a couple of things that may help you figure this out.

Men will get a job, they will take anything they can find to get some money while they look for a career.
Boys will move in with their parents or girlfriend while they endlessly search for the “perfect job”.

Men will intentionally pursue the woman they like, and clearly states said intentions.
Boys will have an ambiguous relationship that leads a girl on, but breaks her heart.

Men pursue Christian women because of their heart for Jesus
Boys pursue will pursue non-Christians because they are “in love” (more like lust) or it “feels good”

Men will work their backsides off to pay off as much of their accumulated college debt as possible.
Boys don’t mind borrowing a little more.

Men will get married because they want to support and lead (as a servant) a family.
Boys will get married because they need support. (As a parasite to it’s host) OR in the Christian case because they want to have sex.

Men will take responsibility of his actions and the actions of his family
Boys would rather push their responsibilities off on someone else (maybe their wife?)

Men carry their curse
Boys give their curse to their wives

Boys can be some of the nicest people I know, but I do not respect them. I was that boy once, unemployed, supported by someone else, not really in college, not really looking for work. Jesus saved me from that. I have had great teachers in my life show me what kind of a man Jesus wants me to be. I have the Bible which tells me what kind of Man I am supposed to be, and I struggle towards that every day. I am not all the way there, and I may never really be, but thanks to Jesus I am now a more mature man that I once was.

Glory to God forever,

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