Thursday, September 2, 2010

Goodbye Glenn

I first stumbled across the Glenn Beck program in the summer of 2006, it was still airing on CNN Headline News and Glenn covered a wide range of topics from politics to pop-culture. I have followed* Glenn for the past four years and have agreed with him (for the most part) for the last four years. After the recent 8/28 rally, however, I have realized it is now time to say “Goodbye” to Glenn Beck.

One of my earliest memories of Glenn were those of him grilling a pedophile that had recently been arrested. While the authorities could not prove the pedophile did anything to children the guy had a website where he graphically detailed what he would like to do to them. Glenn grilled this guy; he put him up against a wall so everyone could see how dumb and sick this he was. I remember the pedophile was hiding behind the first amendment, saying that he could write whatever he wanted to about whoever he wanted to. Glenn asked him something to the extent of “So, would it be ok if I graphically described ways I was gong to murder you? Would it be ok if I had a website dedicated to killing you would that be ok?” The pedophile immediately backed down, and even looked a little scarred, he had no response, he said something like “Well at some point I would get law enforcement involved”. BOOM! He was pinned to the wall, and Glenn from that point on had my attention.

His show was a mix of politics and pop-culture, the “Fusion of entertainment and enlightenment” is how his radio show describes it. He would often talk about politics, global warming, and socialism etc. much as he does today, however every Friday he would interview a famous person, usually in the entertainment business. Glenn interviewed one of the stars from Penn and Teller, and “The Motor City Madman” Ted Nugent among others. My favorite interview was when Glenn interviewed Jeff Foxworthy, I guess it stuck out to me because they both loved their families dearly, and it came out in there interview. They both authentically talked about their kids and wives, and although there was a lot of laughing they spoke very respectfully and lovingly about their families. This again was another reason I chose to watch listen and read about Glenn Beck.

Glenn’s politics have always been something I enjoyed and probably the main reason I followed him for so long. He was always for personal responsibility and against big government. He believed (and still believes) that by lowing taxes you can stimulate the economy and that the private sector does most things better than the government. He almost always tries to do the right thing, even when it is hard. Most recently, in the case of Shirley Sherrod, a member of the NAACP was accused of making racist remarks in a speech given several years ago. Glenn stood up for her and said that she should not have been fired, he said that we should hear the whole story before we start making rash decisions. It was later revealed that the tape had been doctored. Glenn (as well as I) have very differing views on political philosophy than Ms. Sherrod, so for him to stand up for here said a lot about his character. The fact that I agree with Glenn politically and the fact that Glenn tries to be a man of character are probably the main reasons I have followed him for so long.

Early 2007 I discovered, through Wikipedia, that Glenn Beck was a Mormon. I was surprised, and didn’t know how to take it at first. Glenn had mentioned his faith from time to time but he never went in depth. During the early years I could care less what Glenn believed, he didn’t talk about it that much and it wasn’t like he was trying to convert people to Mormonism. I let it slide, and tuned him out when he spoke of theological issues. Lately, however, Glenn’s answer to all of our countries problems has been turning to god, which I agree with (assuming it is the Christian God and Jesus Christ). Glenn however has just used “god” in a very general sense, implying that he doesn’t care if you turn to the Jewish god, the Islamic god, the Mormon’s god, or the Christian God. He seems to think that they are all essentially the same thing and America needs to get back to it. This I have a problem with, because my God is above ALL other god’s, and if it doesn’t matter what god you turn to then it denies my God because if it doesn’t matter what god you turn to then it essentially states that all god’s are equally powerful, which is false. Glenn recently illustrated these universalist beliefs at his 8/28 rally where he had religious leaders from all faiths pray together.

Why does Glenn want people to get back to God? I believe that he authentically wants to unite the country. While I do believe that the country should unite, and that a united country would be better for everyone I also believe that doing this is secondary to believing in the one true God. As Glenn has put what god you believe in as secondary to living in a united country I believe he has put country over God. This is something I disagree with whole heartedly, and because this has become a central theme in his show I can no longer in good concience continue to follow his show.

I will miss Glenn’s sarcastic humor, and his viewpoints on politics and current events. I may even check in on him from time to time. I will definitely pray for him and his family that they may come to know the one true God. It is with a heavy heart that I am saying “Goodbye Glenn Beck”.

Much Love,

*Follow in the sense of watching his TV show/reading his articles/listening to his radio program, NOT in the sense of following him as a religious or political leader.


john said...

Isn't the Jewish God and the Mormon God the same God as the Christian God? Is it also possible that Allah is also the same as God and that Islam could be viewed in the same vein as Judaism recognizing a single God (and possibly the same God), but not accepting Jesus as God's son?

Kelsey said...

i'm glad you no longer like Glenn Beck. That makes me happy. And I liked your blog post, it was well thought out... but we obviously have different opinions when it comes to politics and very different opinions when it comes to the role individual’s belief in God should play in politics

Cindy said...

I like your blog post. If you believe in the God of the Bible He makes it very clear you shall have no other gods before me.