Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 Levit 2 Quit

I have been reading through the Bible in a year Chronologically, and I am currently in Leviticus.

One of the more interesting things I am finding is that a good chunk of "The Law" regarding clean and unclean things are for the health of the Israelites. Things like, "don't touch dead animals" and if someone has a skin disease they are considered "unclean" and have to be quarantened. What did this do? It kept people healthy, disease couldn't easily spread, or be contracted. God didn't want people to horribly die, so he took care of them, by building a health program of sorts into the law.

This to me is awesome. I always thought that "The Law" was put in place to point out our sin, (and it was) BUT it also a way in which God takes care of us. Even in the Law we can see God's love for us. Granted we have moved beyond the "clean" and "unclean" part of the Law as Jesus has now paid the ultimate sacrifice, as detailed in Hebrews and Romans, but it think that it is good to know that even we didn't have Jesus, God still showed his love to us (humanity) through the law.

That is all,

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