Saturday, August 21, 2010


Welcome everybody to my new blog!
Yes after much talk and anticipation I have officially started my new blog.

Interviewer: "Why blog?"
Me: "Well my answer is simply that I think a lot, and I think articulating my thoughts will make me a slightly better thinker, and will help me remember the thoughts I have had days, months or even years ago."

Interviewer: "Well can you not just keep a journal?"
Me: "An excellent point. You see I could keep a journal, however in a journal I would not have to arrange my thoughts in a coherent order as to be understood by anyone besides myself. Like I said before I want this blog to help me organize my thoughts.

Interviewer: "What kind of things will be on your blog?"
Me: Well most of the things I am interested in: My wife, theology, politics, Christian living, MMA, manliness, just to name a few.

Interviewer: "What other things do you hope to be able to accomplish with this blog?"
Me: "Well, I see this as an opportunity to stay connected with my family and friends, and maybe show a side of myself that doesn't always come out when going through my day to day life.

Interviewer: "Thank you for your time."
Me: "No problem, it was my pleasure"

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