Saturday, August 21, 2010


Sooner or later in the game of Chess you will eventually lose. I don't care how good you are, or how good you think you are, at some point you will lose. The best players have all lost, Kasparov, Tal, Fischer, all lost. I have lost many times, probably more times than I have won. One of the main differences between myself and the great chess players (besides the obvious, skill) is when am beaten I refuse to give up. I could be two moves away from a checkmate and I will still try to find a way to beat the inevitable. The good chess players almost always resign before the actual checkmate, in fact they sometimes resign in the middle of the game simply because they realize they are beaten.

I think sometimes I live my life the same way I play chess. I love to have control, and I am very slow to submit or admit that my way isn't the best way. I have a definite will for my life and a strategy on how I am going to get to where I want to be. The problem comes when my will and strategy for my life conflicts with God's will for my life. I don't simply resign as I should, instead I try to fight. But no matter how hard I try I could never best God, I cannot out-think him, out maneuver him, or outwit him, He will ALWAYS win, and sometimes he has to Checkmate us to do it.

So why should I fight? Why should I spend hours, days, weeks, months or even years wasting my life trying to beat God? I have already pledged my life to him so I should simply resign. I should resign my possessions, my finances, my life, my family, my relationships, and my job. Of course this is easier said than done, but it is something I am looking forward to doing even though it may take a lifetime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I get to comment. Excellent blog. Interesting perspective.